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DEHNrecord SD

Data sheet


DEHNrecord SD

The multifunctional measuring and analysis device for monitoring intelligent

low-voltage systems

These parameters are measured with DEHNrecord SD

Power quality

Measurement as per EN 61000-4-30,

class A, limit value definition as per

EN 50160 and customised

Amplitude, frequency, flickers, dips, swells, interruptions,

unbalance, up to the 50th harmonic, signal voltage

Impulse currents

Recorded up to 100 kA

(8/20 µs and 10/350 µs)

Recording through external sensor and evaluation in terms of

duration, rise time and charge

Power frequency overvoltage

As per EN 50550 and customised

A notification and/or shutdown function can be generated.

In addition, e.g. undervoltage can be detected.

Voltage, current, performance, energy

5-minute mean values by default by means

of voltage-controlled Rogowski coils, or

alternatively split-core transformers

Correctly signed measurement, current measurement range for

the specified standard – Rogowski coils up to 2,000 A, and up

to 120 A for standard split-core transformers. Load and neutral

conductor currents are measured through up to four external

measuring coils and, together with the voltages, the correspond-

ing power and energy values are determined.

Digital inputs

Monitoring of state changes

Three digital inputs and two digital outputs. Can be monitored

for status changes or logically linked with each other. E.g. inte-

gration of remote signalling contact of SPDs for remote monitor-

ing or control impulse in the event of limit value violations, etc.


***For full spec please contact us.***

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